Thursday, 13 May 2010

Family Supper

Tonight mum came down from Scarborough to go to the quilting exhibition at the V&A and Dad has migrated from Manor Park for the weekend. Lucy was also over and we had a bit of a raucous family dinner. Obviously Ben was here too. He was a good sous-chef!

Haloumi Cheese Pasta

Roasted veg (peppers, onions, butternut squash, anything really)
Olive oil
Haloumi cheese

Roast veggies with a splash of oil until soft and a bit crispy
Flour and fry haloumi (it takes about 10 mins) in some more olive oil
Chuck over some cooked pasta with a stir of pasta


  1. Sounds good, did you make it up?

  2. It's a mum recipe. It's fail-safe and uses up all the cupboard ingredients.
